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2024 Solar Eclipse: I was in the Path of Totality!

Solar eclipse totality dark

Did you see it? I was in the path of totality this year. It was my first time ever seeing a total solar eclipse and it was AMAZING. My photography skills aren’t that great, especially when it comes to sky photos, but they’re not too terrible. 

Something interesting is that it never got pitch black like I saw in some areas on t.v. I’m guessing that the cloud cover we had reflected what little light there was to make it like dusk without the pinks and purples.

Solar eclipse before totality
Solar eclipse before totality
Solar eclipse totality dark
Solar eclipse totality.
Solar eclipse totality grey clouds.
Solar eclipse totality with grey clouds.
Me being nerdy.
Me being nerdy.

Okay, lovely readers. I’m a nerd, so if you have any awesome eclipse photos, (current or otherwise), or other cool nerdy photos, I would love to see them. I’m honestly not sure if photos can be shared in the comments. If not, feel free to drop a link to them on social media.

Here’s a link to all the big astronomical events for 2024.

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